Isn't capitalism great. I am now going to charge you %.0f just to see if you qualify for this loan. And if you don't, I keep the money anyway.
I might just be able to do something for you here. But it will cost you %.0f to find out.
It's up to you, whatever you do. Pay %.0f to see what the answer will be.
%.0f will be the cost, if you fail it's lost. Credit checks are fun when you hold the gun.
You pay your money, you take your chances. A credit check is going to cost you %.0f non-refundable.
Well, the loan officers are not inclined to grant you this loan. But if you pay me %.0f I might be able to talk them into it. No guarantees though.
Pay %.0f right now, and we might just be able to find that loan for you.
Oh, I just love charging money for things. You have to pay %.0f to see if you qualify for that loan.
We will gladly run a credit check to see you qualify. It will cost you %.0f, and you won't get it back if you don't qualify. Sound like a deal?
Your current credit rating won't allow such a loan. If you would like we can run another credit check. You might just qualify. But it will cost you %.0f. Do you want to do it?
You deadbeats are all the same. Loan after loan. Well its gonna cost you %.0f to find out if you've even got the credit rating.
Your credit is blown. Pay %.0f and we'll see if you deserve a higher line of credit.
Well now. You seem to have exceeded your current line of credit. If you must have this loan, it will cost you %.0f for another credit check.
Ha ha ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha ha. Its going to cost you %.0f to find out if you've even got the credit. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
oooooo, I don't know about this. That's more than your credit limit. I'm afraid it will cost you %.0f to have your credit limit reassessed.